What motivation is needed for rowing the ocean?

During the writing of our previous blog about motivation, we coincidently ran into Renate and Marieke. These two ladies won the Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge in 2020 with their Atlantic duchesses team. What is this challenge about? To get a feel about the Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge: It is a 2550 nautical miles (5000 km!)…

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Do you have Playful Incentives at Work?

Heiske shares with us one of her challenges during her morning routine…. The challenge in our morning routine ‘Our morning process to get my daughter ready for school is a real challenge. Despite crisp and clear time schedules, clocks and her own bad experiences with showing up late at school, she doesn’t feel the time…

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How to create universal Joy?

Enjoying your work is important. But what is it? And, more important, how can you create the feeling ‘joy’? What is joy? Ingrid Fetell Lee researched it. She was intrigued by the question ‘How do things make us feel joy?’ She focust her research on how tangible things make us feel the intangible emotion ‘joy’.…

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Are Self Managing Organizations a Hype?

In September Heiske participated in a MBA talk with subject ‘Self Managing Organizations’. This conversation was organized by the VU University Amsterdam as Executive Education. You can read the discussed questions and answers about self managing organizations and Heiske’s add ons below. Are Self Managing Organizations a hype? It depends. We see organizations moving to…

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Learnings about the contemporary organization

After receiving many requests to share her experiences and insights about the contemporary organization and how to move towards future readiness, Heiske finally responded by making some video’s with her learnings. Below the kick off video. More to come! And yes, for sure we will publish the next video’s here for sure!

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Setting boundaries

By Heiske Nonnekes This week I had a challenge with my daughter. She is 6 years old and was already sabotaging the morning routine for a couple of weeks. We really had to chase her to be ready in time to go to school. Having breakfast, dressing up, brushing hair and teeth, everything was a…

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Het ‘I love my job & company effect’

Als we het hadden over werkgeluk kwam vaak het percentage ‘engaged employees’ van Gallup ter sprake. Slechts 34% van de Amerikaanse werknemers is engaged op het werk. Dat restte ons met 66% die kennelijk niet lekker in hun vel zaten. Wetende dat Nederland wel in de top 10 staat van de ‘World Happiness Index’ leidde…

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Heb jij ook een bullshit baan?

In het Verenigd Koninkrijk geeft 37% van de werkende mensen aan dat het niet zou uitmaken of hun baan bestaat of niet. De baan heeft geen positieve impact op de maatschappij. Sterker nog, het werk richt wellicht juist schade aan! En dit is niet alleen maar het geval aan de andere kant van de Noordzee.…

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