Team Development

Do you recognize this?

  • Your team is not running smooth
  • There is a lack of trust amongst team members
  • Team members do not dare to say what needs to be said; there is lack of constructive conflict
  • There is lack of alignment about roles, goals and priorities; who does what, where are we going after and what are we going to focus on first?
  • Team members show a lack of ownership; they move away from their responsibility
  • Team members have a tendency to blame others
  • The potential of every single team member is not optimally utilized within the team

Then our online Team Dynamics & Development Course is interesting to you!

We know what it feels like

We know how you feel. We have walked in your shoes.

We have been responsible and part of similar dysfunctional teams.

Heiske experienced it as a real struggle to improve the cooperation within these teams. This resulted often in frustration from her end.

Meet Heiske in the video.

Meet Heiske

Heiske's experiences with dysfunctional teams

Heiske knew that the teams could perform better, but things were holding them back, like:

  • Interpersonal issues; some team members did not work along well
  • Subgroups in the team that resulted in an 'us against them' atmosphere
  • Unclarity or lack of alignment about goals, roles and priorities

Obviously she was not looking forward to the team meetings since they were not as effective as they could be. And observing and receiving all the interpersonal and team friction and tension in the undercurrent drained her energy.  She often came home tired.

She knew that the teams needed to build trust and had to start having candid conversations. But the atmosphere in the team gave her an insecure feeling. Due to this feeling she did not dare to bring it up or just didn't know where to start.

Thinking about the team made her already reluctant to go to work the next day.


Heiske's learnings

The moment she became aware of her reluctance to meet with the team, she realized she had to do something about it. She wanted to learn everything about personal and team development. That’s why she took all kinds of courses and trainings in these fields and read a whole library about interpersonal and team dynamics.

Since then she learned a lot.

She learned how teams develop, how behavior evokes behavior and what really works in practice to move a dysfunctional team into a high performing team.

She learned how teams develop,

how behavior evokes behavior and

what really works in practice to move a dysfunctional team into a high performing team.

Her learnings became very valuable to others.

That moment she founded Tomorrow's Leadership and started with her team supporting dysfunctional teams within various industries.

Helping 100+ teams gave her more insights in practical keys to success.

How to create a High Performing Team on short term?

Heiske's learnings about team development came to her in bits and pieces and took her nearly 10 years.

Your team cannot wait 10 years.

This leaves you with two options if you want to turn around a dysfunctional team into a high performing team in the next months:

  1. You can hire an external consultant (happy to help you out! :-))
  2. You can take Heiske's latest course.

Testimonials Team Development

Sharon Prins: ‘The Team Dynamics & Development course provides a lot of insights. It has taught me how my behavior has impact on others and how the behavior of others can drive my behavior again. I now understand the development phases of teams, how to analyze a team and support its further development. What stands out for me is that conflict should be seen as a positive thing since it is required for growth: ‘without friction no shine!’. Also, the impact of starting a sentence with ‘yes, but’ and the shared solutions to situations where a team gets stuck (for instance when not everyone buys into a certain approach) was insightful to me. The course consists of bite-sized learning modules that are all brought together at the end. Heiske shares a lot of practical examples that helped me to apply the theory to my specific situation. The e-book and workbook support the videos. Raised questions triggered my thought process. Altogether, I am very positive about this course.’

J. Inia MSc, Abbott: ‘Ondanks dat ik in het begin mijn bedenkingen had, was mijn ervaring uiteindelijk heel positief. Ik heb drie verschillende sessies meegemaakt doordat ik gedurende het traject verantwoordelijk werd voor een ander team. In een sessie was er een olifant in de kamer die niemand durfde te benoemen. Heiske heeft hierbij op een tactvolle manier het probleem toch duidelijk weten te maken. Bij de andere sessies wist ze in zeer korte tijd de pijnpunten helder te krijgen.

Employee of Abbott‘Door de werkdruk was er wel wat scepsis over de werkdrukbeleving-workshops: wat brengt het ons? Komt er iemand even leuk vertellen wat ik zou moeten doen? Wordt het zo een one-way show? We waren dan ook positief verrast door de interactieve workshops. We konden actief deelnemen en door de aanpak was de sfeer luchtig en open. Hierdoor voelde het binnen no-time vertrouwd en legde iedereen het hele verhaal op tafel. Ik vond het waardevol. De workshops hebben ogen geopend en bevestiging gegeven. 

Online Team Dynamics & Development Course

Heiske developed a course that covers all the basics you need to know to improve the performance of your team.

It is based on our learnings and practical experiences of the past decade.

It will help you for sure to increase the performance of your team.


Free Team Development e-book

This book describes the 3 steps to bring your team to the next level.

It covers practical tools to:

  • Observe and understand maturity levels in Teams
  • Recognize and discuss Patterns
  • Determine if there is sabotage

This will create awareness amongst your team. Based on this you can determine next steps together.


Quick Team Phase Assessment

Take our quick Team Phase Assessment to increase your awareness about your team maturity. 

This is an easy and accessible way (estimated time to fill it out = 2 minutes) to start your Team Development process.  

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Lumina Learning tools

In Team Development Journeys we often use Lumina Learning tools.

These tools are developed at the University of Westminster in London. The approach is science based and also very pragmatic.

We are certified to use Lumina Spark (behavioral preferences), Emotion (Emotional Intelligence), Leader (Leadership preferences) and Select (employee journey).
